Solutions Architect & Full Stack Developer
Nacionalidad: Argentina – Española
Lugar y fecha de nacimiento: 1986

Seventeen years of building and delivering solutions as a developer, manager, and solution architect for international companies and governmental organizations.
Highly passionate and motivated about technology, good interpersonal and communication skills.
Technology Stack
ES6, React JS, Node JS, PHP, Java, Python
I enjoy learning, doing research, and solving problems so I’m always open to new technologies.
Project management skills
Managing timelines, identifying and mitigating risks, coordinating efforts, and negotiating with multiple parties, as well as managing clients’ expectations and providing guidelines and best practices advice.
Current location
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Programación WEB. UTN, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2011.
Studio Hakuna
2 years 4 months
Airkit Solutions Architect @ Hakuna
July 2021 – Present (1 year 4 months)
- In charge of the refactoring of the most complex project of the company, for one of the main clients (a Fortune 500 company).
- Implementation of programming paradigms and naming conventions
- Documentation and diagrams
WordPress developer / Front-end @ Airkit
July 2020 – December 2021 (1 year 6 months)
- Custom WordPress development of themes, plugins, and headless with Gatsby.js and React JS. Connection with different services. Site maintenance.
- Also in charge of CSS3, SaSS, and HTML3. Leading developer, solely responsible for technical development.
- In order to apply the pixel-perfect custom designs they required, I convinced the client to start implementing a custom theme while keeping the previous Elementor-based theme up to date. During this migration, we’ve been required to start implementing a headless version. Currently online at airkit.com.
Development Manager
June 2019 – February 2020 (9 months)
Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Angular and Python Django to WordPress migrations.
- For example arenasolutions.com. I built two different custom ETL applications to accomplish the task.
- WordPress Customization
- Custom theme development. For example:
- https://www.eatthinkvote.ca/
- https://www.servicememberscivilreliefact.com/ (+ accessibility)
I also needed to add an endpoint to export the WordPress menu and styles to a custom PHP system they had, and also implement this solution on their system.
- Custom theme development. For example:
- Server administration
- UX-oriented development
- Project management
Full-Stack developer and Project Manager
February 2018 – March 2019 (1 year 2 months)
Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina
- WordPress and CodeIgniter projects development.
- For example I had to manage a group and code to build custom e-commerce using CodeIgniter.
Idea 32
Full-stack Developer
June 2018 – February 2019 (9 months)
Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Back-end and front-end development
- Database maintenance
- Import and update several products from different e-commerces.
- WordPress and WooCommerce customization
- I was in charge of updating several e-commerces, prices, plugins, product variations, and payment gateways.
- Microsites implementation. I would make express WordPress installations to create one-page sites for marketing purposes.
- Diagnosis and Planning of Internal Communication. When I started working here, they weren’t using tools like Slack or Jira.
Owner – Project manager
2013 – Present (9 years)
- Management of custom projects in Laravel and CodeIgniter.
- WordPress support, implementation, migration.
- WordPress custom theme development. For example:
- https://hablalo.app/
- https://yaeltex.com/
- In charge of AWS hosting configuration
- RoR connection to WooCommerce
2007 – 2013 (6 years)
- Front-end developer
- WordPress developer
- Account management
- Project management
Full-stack development and Project Management
2004 – 2007 (3 years)
Vicente Lopez
- Development Manager
- Backend and frontend development
- Database maintenance
- Development and programming of intranets
- Main accounts: Sun Microsystems and C&A
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Licenciatura, Ciencias de la Comunicación (2017)
ORT Argentina
Análisis de sistemas informáticos (enero de 2022)
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
Web development: PHP, ES6, MYSQL, CSS3, HTML5.
Advance English student. (reading, writing, communication)
Trinity College (International oral exam) Level 7, advanced.
Portuguese (reading and comprehension)
Other Skills
Adobe Creative Suite: Audiovisual Media production